Making a Christmas album is looked upon by some people as the thing you do...
Men need to understand and women too what feminism is really about.
It's hard to tell how far women's individuality has come in the past twenty...
Women's issues have always been a part of my life.
Feminism is a word that I identify with. The term has become synonymous with...
If we value what we've inherited for free - from other women - surely it's...
I can't understand why the front pages of newspapers can cover bird flu and...
As a creative person you just put something out into the consciousness of...
I'm appalled the word feminism has been denigrated to a place of almost...
I want to branch out. I want to write. I write poetry. I want to see my...
I only want to make music because I have a passion for it.
I love to make music and stay grounded.
Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion - very powerful...
I think music is the most phenomenal platform for intellectual thought.
I would say that although my music may be or may have been part of the...
Money is a good thing and it's obviously useful but to work only for money...
We all fight over what the label 'feminism' means but for me it's about...
Although I have lived in London I have never really considered London my...
I am fascinated by history and particularly the Victorian era.
I mean I'm 48 years old and I've been through a lot in my life - you know...
Dying is easy it's living that scares me to death.
I don't have clear-cut positions. I get baffled by things. I have viewpoints....
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus...
The future hasn't happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only...
What makes the pain we feel from shame and jealousy so cutting is that vanity can give us no assistance in bearing them.