I feel an intense intimacy with those who have this loathing interest in me....
We saw what happened in Jimmy Carter's administration. President Carter was a...
My relationship with the journalists who covered the campaign was...
The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution...
If you want to have a relationship at some point you have to let yourself...
You know I think that President Obama is a person who has a great...
I feel like in a lot of shows where the woman is in charge the woman is...
I would stay on but 'General Hospital' honestly doesn't seem to want that...
I am looking for a character that connects to me on some level. It has to be...
I've been working on Barb for a while. I looked at her as a sort of every...
I think I learned about the relationship between books and life from Margaret...
It was really important in my relationship with James Caan that I understood...
It's just like any relationship the more contained the environment the more...
There is one question that I don't think Gary Condit can answer and that I...
With Hitchcock I had little relationship. I was called to replace Bernard...
There are tens of thousands of interactions every single day across...
I met Roy's father once... And I think that Roy's relationship with his...
And across Afghanistan every single day Afghan soldiers Afghan police and...
I'd fallen in love with a woman but she broke up with me and I was...
There is a direct line relationship between what happened in Afghanistan in...
In the past I would self destruct when it came to love - I was immature...
There were many women around. We all had a relationship with each other that...
Afghanistan is going to be here a long time and what's critical is that...
I know the Russian political elite has got used to the Ukraine suffering from...
If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy it will in the end not produce food either.