People look at me and they go 'You're white you're smart you must have...
The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow that has nothing but money...
Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The...
Because I don't take money I'll go anywhere and do a benefit concert with...
Nothing except the mint can make money without advertising.
I saw Deep Purple live once and I paid money for it and I thought 'Geez...
The way the bankers have kind of toppled the way money is distributed and...
Money does not guarantee success.
I have no one to leave the money to. I'm a single man. I like spending my...
What most people don't seem to realize is that there is just as much money to...
I used to get my money at the end of the week buy my mum something or buy a...
To give money to a woman - and here I must speak as a man - is to deny her...
Because bankers measure their self-worth in money and pay themselves a lot...
I could be making a lot more money now if I had chosen a different kind of...
Research is four things: brains with which to think eyes with which to see...
What counts in Hollywood is box office. It doesn't really matter what people...
But it's a blessing to be so successful within a year it's the greatest...
Money speaks but it speaks with a male voice.
One thing I have clear is that I don't want to work for money anymore.
My recollection is - and I'd have to confirm this - but I don't recall paying...
When it comes to money nobody should give up anything.
When I left 20th Century-Fox to freelance my agent believed that getting big...
What is there that money will not do?
I discipline churchgoers with godly lessons and sharp words if they do not change their ways. My goal is to open their hearts so that they seek forgiveness.